Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets


The Puppeteer: Baseball? Great idea, Jack! I’ll even put my money on "Witchbridge ravens". Jim, I’m sure you won’t mind if I give a name to your team. And by the way, enter some room, you’ve been standing in the hallway for a good hour. There are other people in this house too.

Task: Go through the living room in "words" mode.

Jim: "My" team?

The Puppeteer: And why not? You are the leader of the so-called Followers that live in the house full of traps. Do you think being a baseball team captain is much more difficult?

Jack: Ha! My brother is as far from top-class sports, as I am from neurosurgery.

Jack: You know, I would even agree to take part in this match just to watch Jim’s attempts to win. But I must disappoint you, Puppeteer, he will never agree.

The Puppeteer: I’m sure he will agree, Jack.

Jack: Well, how do you feel, Jim, when your rights are being trampled and you are forced to do something you don’t want to?

Jim: Hm, I think, "Witchbridge ravens" is not such a bad name.

Jack: I don’t understand.

Jim: I agree to this match. Three days to prepare: building your team, getting sports equipment, training. We’ll hold the game before noon. Deal?

Jack: And what do I care?

Jim: So quick to back off? Aren’t you confident of your victory?

Jack: Just want to know what I’ll disgrace my brother for.

Jim: Fine. If my team loses, I’ll ask that no follower would come down to the basement and bother you for, let’s say, one week.

A voice sounds from the speakers.

The Puppeteer: Jack, are you still in doubt? I’m raising the bet. Did you want freedom? You’ll get it. If you win, I’ll shut down my camera in the basement for seven days.

The Puppeteer: And if you lose, you’ll be passing tests silently the same seven days. No secret plans, no diversions. A gentlemen's agreement.

You’ve completed the task and received some freedom points and some tokens.

Jack: We’ll smash you, ravens.