Midsummer Night's DreamJenny: Lord, what nonsense we are doing! Come on, let's put together the scenery, and put on a play. I called the others, I hope they will come. In the end, we have no extensive cultural program in this house, and to watch Shakespeare's comedy is better than continuously pass the tests. Our feathers of freedom could already fill a dozen quilts and there still be left for some pillows! Task: Put together the "Midsummer Night's Dream" collection and go through the living room in the night mode. Jenny is easily managing the dolls, and you change the scenery and sometimes help her with the fairy escort and trop of craftsmen. You are so enthusiastic playing the unsuccessful love story of Pyramus and Thisby performed by Athenian craftsmen, that you do not notice giggles. When the scene ends, the applause make you look surprised. Jack, still snorting with laughter, slaps you on the shoulder. Jack: Feather, you make a great puppeteer. Jim who's standing near, raises his eyebrows, looking briefly at the camera. The Underground member notices the pantomime, but only shrugs. Jack: C'mon, who's seen our maniac playing a real puppet theater! Maybe he just liked how it sounded: "The Puppeteer!" Jenny: No, he knew how to play... Jenny looks a little bit lost in the crowd of laughing spectators, she rubs her temples. Then, she smiles, as if she’ ve already forgotten Jack's comment. Jenny: You liked it, don’t you? Jenny face fades, blurs. Just a moment - and the fog that captured you recedes. You received some points of freedom and some tokens. Jenny: I haven't read this play before. And it's interesting and ends well. Thank you, Feather. It seems to me, we had a good performance. |