Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets

Novelty effect

Matt: I’ve just built a new entertainment zone. But it won’t cost you cheaply. A novelty, great demand, you understand.

Task: Find 15 circus tickets.

Matt: When I learned to control dreams, I decided to help Jim. That’s what I told him: "Doc, I have an idea how you can be in several places at once".

Matt: You could have thought I would dismember the poor guy into pieces, throw sacks with his remains on a catapult and launch it but no. I was relatively honest.

Matt: Jim started dividing like a cell. And with each new division there were more and more Jims, but they were becoming smaller and smaller in size. Jim was multiplying and multiplying and multiplying until the Firewood family became microscopic. I don’t know if some of them survived, but a couple million Jims got stuck to my sole for sure.

Matt: Ah, yes, you were there too. Not on the sole nor on the canvas, but in the dream, I mean. But I will not tell you the details. Perhaps this particular idea will do me a service later.

You completed the task and received some points of freedom and some tokens

Matt: It will be the most spectacular performance!