A hostage set freeJenny: I will be waiting. Task: Go though the living room. There’s almost no one left in the room. When he could have died, everyone was there, risking their lives. But now they have left, living you, Jenny and Ryan in the room with Isami. John: Hello. He’s wobbling on his crutches in the doorway, tucking up the leg that has is healed yet. Jenny gets next to him right away. She hugs him very carefully. But looks like he’s not injured. Ryan: Where? Ryan doesn't even get up. John: In the tower. The one that’s on the other side of the house. There is an impressive amount of locks and traps there and a food supply to last a year. Also it looks like it has a separate exit. So you cannot siege it. Isami: You were with Alice. John: Yes. She kept clicking the lighter until it run out of gas. Isami: Have you talked? John: About what? John casts up his head, there are evil flickers in his eyes. Jenny hugs him a little stronger. Jenny: Don't. John: She killed my family! Jenny: John. Please don’t. It wasn’t her. She didn’t mean it. You didn’t want to kill all those people from “act 1” either. The man calms down, allows Jenny to stroke his hair, whispering something in his ear. Ryan watches, folding his arms. Ryan: Mind you, we will not let you go anywhere alone anymore. Either me, or Isami, or Feather should always be near. And don’t put away your gun. John is smiling. John: Yes, sir! You could save everyone. You received some points of freedom and some tokens. John: Thank you, Feather. I was hoping you’ll be able to replace the gun. It’s good that Matt hasn’t learned to watch us close enough to notice when Ryan loops the tape. But we can’t use that trump too often. Be careful. He didn’t realize who tricked him, but I think Alice might be suspecting something. |