Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets

Checks and balances

John: So, everyone is here, except Bill. He warned that he was unwell. It is time to discuss how to deal with it.

Task: Go through the library.

Jack: I love conspiracy. Although, it is not so secret at all. We have to shout to hear each other, but Matt also have problems with eavesdropping. By the way, I hope the neighbors did not call the police because of this noise.

Jim: Somehow I think that even if now all the bombs on the Earth fall on our house no one will take notice.

Ryan: You were distracted and what's more important, you distract me.

John: You're right. So, our main problem is that the system that Matt uses is autonomous. We can't turn it off from the lair. Their main problem is that the system with due diligence is just partially autonomous, and we can also give them a merry life. The control will require additional configuration.

Jenny: So, we need to hold out until you configure the console in the lair and Matt gives up before us?

John: He will not give up before us. This is a temporary measure.

Jack: Temporary does not work for us. We need a final and irrevocable. Speaking of systems, is the one that rats and ravens, through?

John: What do you mean?

Jack: We know where the end points of the rails are - on the plan of the house. But there must be starting point somewhere? Everything functions without interruption; that means Matt supports it form the other side of the house.

John: Right. Tunnels with rails are laid between the walls and goes by the rooms in the house.

Jack: Ryan! That's why are you rattling the walls!

Ryan: Finally we're getting to the point.

You completed John’s task and received some points of freedom and some tokens

John: Let Jack and Ryan go - they have much to discuss.