Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets

Sound in the darkness

Isami: This is not a punishment, but it is the time that we don't have enough! If he had given the tests a little earlier, I would have been happy, considered it a lesson that would provide a better understanding of the idea of freedom. Yes, Feather, I really believed in it, and I still believe, but I've had enough of lives laid on this altar. But we need to continue. The Puppeteer wants us to go into the hallway at night, the sound will show us the way.

Task: Find the clock in the hallway in "night" mode.

Finally, you are able to hear a barely audible whisper of the poured sand. You nearly drop the clock, trying to remove it from the cabinet, but Tan manages to catch it. Her face is still serenely, you can't see blood on scarlet ribbons. But when she puts the clock on the table, you see red marks on the glass.

The Puppeteer: Is it valuable enough to injure yourself again? Humanity creates new cages, and even the best ones appreciate them so much...

You completed the task and received some points of freedom and some tokens.

Isami: Look, Feather, a sundial, which worked only occasionally, was the first, then comes a clepsydra which is not accurate and needs complicated care, then comes this. People had to measure time more and more precisely. His ideas are like poison, I can't help thinking about them!