Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets

Ties with the Other Side

Leonard: You know parts of the story that started it all, but that is not all. You collect puzzles and recreate stories from scraps. Many puzzles you gather around them, many stories are reconstructed from fragments. You can put this one together as well, but you need to restore the fragments to complete the picture. You will have to go to the other side to find them.

Task: Go through the basement in the shadows mode.

Suddenly you feel cold surrounding you; someone's icy fingers touch your ears, and you hear a voice break through the fog.

Eslynn: Feather, Feather! You hear me, right? Let me touch your hot eyes, your hot lips, and you will see us again.

Cold, extremely cold hands touch your face, and the mist clears away.

Eslynn: We are waiting for you, wise one...

You completed Leonard's task. You received some points of freedom and some tokens.

Leonard: Old druid believes that they will be free, if we remove the geises. The essence of this place is deeper and scarier, but the chains are blocking the view. Be careful, Feather, do not go deep. We need your help, but if you go to Sidhe, you will not be able to go back.