Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets

Forgotten Words

Warrior: I remembered a lot, but my name is still hidden. We have to go to the well where I said the words of the curse that I cannot remember. I want to know everything, even if the memory brings pain.

Task: Go through the kitchen in the ghosts mode.

Warrior emits a guttural cry and bangs his sword against the shield.

Warrior: Curse chi, blant o lwyth Dan! Ble oeddech chi pan fu farw fy nhad?

Alastriona: You spoke and they heard, o Willem, the brave son of a worthy father...

You completed the Warrior's task and received a puzzle piece, some points of freedom and some tokens.

Willem: I... remember. Willem, the son of Brian and a brave defender who cursed his gods. Now I know what I carry this punishment for, and I will keep this memory until the end of time.