Quests from The Panic Room: House of Secrets

Golden Sickle

Druid: You will need strength, girl, to emerge from our dead lake. I was old when I died, and it's been centuries since then. My memory turned into dust like a dried flower, but I can still grant protection to a person. My sickle is here, find it.

Task: Find a golden sickle in the basement.

For a moment the fog thickens and you close your eyes. When you open them, you see Jim leaning over his brother.

Jim: No... Just a little more, I still have the strength. I am alive, so I have something to give.

Something like a shadow flashes next to him, you hear the sound of a slap, Jim recoils in surprise looking at the spot where a thin figure appears from the air...

Tan: If you die, you will not be able to help either your brother or Feather. I will look after them, and you go get some sleep.

They seem so close you can almost reach out and touch, but then you blink and the room is empty again... And there is a luminous sickle lying at the spot where Tan stood a moment ago.

You went through the basement and received a piece of the well puzzle, some points of freedom and some tokens

Druid: My tool that served me for years... Keep it safe, girl. I broke my vows, I cannot touch my past because I am cursed. But you can.