451 degrees CelsiusJim: Feather, the dictaphone came with a note from the Puppeteer, containing further instructions. In order to find the cipher, you should go through the kitchen in less than 40 seconds. Task: Go through the kitchen in less than 40 seconds. You notice that one of the stove handles is moving, counting to the maximum temperature. Jim runs over to the stove. He pulls the baking sheet out, without paying attention to the heat. Then he screams and you can’t really tell if it’s a shout of victory because he was able to do it at the very last moment, or a cry of pain as he was burned. Jim: Feather, that list of paper is heavily burned. We just about made it! One more second – and we wouldn’t be able to recover even a tiny little scrap! You completed Jim's task. You received some points of freedom and some tokens. Jim: The cipher is clear enough: 787738. I’m going to try it. Done. Feather, was it my imagination, or did something click in the safe just now? |